Saturday, February 27, 2010

Victor's Dark Elves

Faction goal:
To improve the standing of House Vae within Naggaroth by conquering new lands and hauling more slave and riches back to sell.

Background info:
House Vae may be a noble house with a long lineage dating all the way back to the Sundering, but it has never been able to climb up the ranks to become a major player in the politics of Naggaroth.



VALKITH VAE, Dreadlord


Equipment/magic items: Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Crimson Death, Black Amulet
Mount: Manticore

War veteran
Good business acumen

Afraid of failure
Eager to prove himself
Always manipulated by Alariel

Additional info:
Valkith started his military career as a Corsair captain, crewing his own ship. As such, he is a hardened war veteran and has done a fair bit of travelling. Also, due to his frequent dealings with slave traders and other slavers, he has fairly good business acumen and good bargaining skills (whether through diplomacy, threats or just simply sticking a dagger at the other party's throat).

Recently, Valkith has been slightly distracted by the presence of Alariel, the beautiful sorceress, especially when she has been playing coy with him. His decisions are actually substantially influenced by her.

Valkith suspects that she is actually manipulating him, but somehow, she always manages to make her cause and arguments sound like the most reasonable and logical choice.

Personal (private) goal:
To become the ruling lord of Clar Karond.


ALARIEL, Sorceress


Equipment/magic items: Dispel Scroll, Spell Familiar
Mount: none

Spellcasting prodigy
Political genius

Self-serving bitch
Attitude problem

Additional info:
Alariel is the apprentice of Valkith's aunt, a High Sorceress of high standing within the Covenant. His aunt decided to send her to aid Valkith in his quest for riches and power, in exchange for first claim to any magical lore or artifacts which the army might encounter.

Alariel is manipulating Valkith for her own means and she would do all it takes in order to climb the ranks. She thinks of him as nothing more than a tool in her ascension as a political figure to be reckoned with in the future.

Personal (private) goal:
To improve her own standing within the Covenant and the political scene of Naggaroth.

AEDEN, Master (battle standard bearer)

Equipment/magic items: Heavy armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Lance, ASF Banner
Mount: Dark Steed

Surprisingly loyal to House Vae

Always defer to higher authority
Secretly lusts after Alariel

Additional info:
Aeden is a loyal retainer of House Vae, having also served Valkith's father. He has borne the house’s battle standard for over 200 years.

A veteran of hundreds of battles, he has a wealth of battle experience and is considered to be quite fearless. He is however, known to be tactless and blunt in his words.

Like Valkith, he has been slightly distracted by the sorceress' presence. However, he doesn't get any of her attention since he is only the house’s standard bearer. This makes him jealous and slightly discontent. Who knows if this will eventually lead to a reckoning with Valkith?

Personal (private) goal:
To serve House Vae faithfully and aid his liege lord (at least for now.)


Equipment/magic items:
Mount: Cauldron of Blood

Skilled in the arts of torture
Inspiring (Only to her Khainate troops most probably)

Too fanatical to her worship of Khaine
Political idiot

Additional info:
Kelindra Vae is Valkith's elder sister, who was admitted into the order of the Brides of Khaine from a very young age.

Recently Valkith recruited Kelindra and her Witch Elves into his army, as well as a regiment of Har Ganeth Executioners for his campaign. He promised them a substantial portion of the slaves and enemy troops captured for their use in their rituals and "festivities". However, Valkith has to tread very carefully, for if the Khainites prove over-zealous, that might eat into his profits.

Personal (private) goal:
Nothing else but the worship of Khaine matters - even if it means sacrificing fellow dark elves.

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